Silver Coders
SilverCoders learning programme
The SILVERCODERS (Developing the Creativity of Older Adults through Coding) project intends to develop trainers and adult learners’ digital and creative abilities by engaging institutions and organisations in formal, informal, and non-formal education for adults with companies from the creative sector. Doing so intends to provide adults with the necessary tools and competencies to develop creative and innovative solutions to face new risks and challenges, both in personal, educational and professional contexts. This can be important in all sectors of activity, but even more, in the creative and cultural sectors, which could benefit from becoming more digital and modern because this renovation would contribute to making the sector (one of the most hardest-hit ones by the pandemic) more adaptable, resilient, and able to survive and prosper in the current situation.
Available courses
Make coding easy for adult learners. The SilverCoders programme for trainers.
This eCourse collects the materials developed for trainers to implement the SilverCoders Programme for adult trainers.